Nutrition course gets Tony back on track

Earlier this year, #TeamTCUK athlete Tony Hunt signed up for our six-week nutrition course run by resident nutritionist and founder of RealFoodFunc, Jon Hodgkinson.

At the time Tony was working overseas and living on his own and finding the time to cook proper food was a real challenge for him. Here’s what he had to say about the course…

“I wasn’t eating too badly when I started working with Jon but by far my biggest hurdle was that I was working overseas and living by myself which was proving difficult.

Nutrition course gets Tony back on track

"The course helped me to instil the discipline to allocate time at the weekend to prepare quality food for the coming week, plus it really made me watch what I eat and have more of a structure to what I consumed each week. It also helped me to make sure I was eating a variety of different food.

"When the six weeks were over, I was back on track for a healthier lifestyle, Jon had introduced me to a range of various foods and options and I’d got myself organised when it came to my nutrition.”